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What’s in your hair products? 7 Essential Ingredients

7 Essential Ingredients in your hair care products that you could do without!

Leave it to the professionals!  The doctors of hair and skin!
Consult your hair care professionals for the best at-home regiment for you and your hair.
Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS)
It’s what gives your shampoos the foaminess and lather.  But it also could lend to stripping your hair of the essentials oils that it needs to stay healthy breaking down the protein and slowing healthy hair growth.
Sodium Chloride
Isn’t this table salt?  It is used as a thickener in shampoos and conditioners containing SLS.  It may lend to dry, itchy scalps.  Steer clear of a product with this ingredient if your hair has a keratin smoothing treatment.
Polyethelyne glycol
Another thickening agent that can strip hair and skin of its natural moisture.
Mineral Oil
AKA baby oil.  There is nothing natural about mineral oil.  It is a petrochemical derived fromt he same oil that we fuel our cars with.  Look for Argan oil or macadamia oils as one of the first ingredients-something more pure. You get what you pay for!
They can irritate the skin and affect your hormonal balance that can promote hair loss.  Parabens are used to promote shelf life of your products.
Can be in some shampoos and can cause, after long term use, hair loss.It is known as a potential carcinogen.
Did you know there are good alcohols and bad alcohols.  Check ingredients list and let the alcohol content be closer to the last ingredients than the first.  In high concentration, these alcohol can dry your hair and skin.

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