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Lice Be Gone – Hair Care for Kids!

As a parent, it’s hard to believe that one day you will have to go searching through your children’s hair searching for little critters! Now that school is in full swing, your child’s school nurse will most likely be performing regular lice checks throughout the year. What they will do is examine all the children’s hair to be sure there is no lice. If you receive note that your child, or another child in the school has come in contact with lice, you should take the immediate actions: ROSEMARY

  • Physically check your child’s head for lice. Grab a metal lice comb, and carefully sift through your child’s hair section by section. Look for any movement within the hair, eggs or nits. This is typically a sign that your child has contacted lice.
  • If your child has lice, you will probably hear lots of conflicting recommendations for dealing with how to get rid of it. We are Nova SalonSpa recommend using Fairy Tales Hair Rosemary Repel line product!

Have no fear; Nova SalonSpa carries Fairy Tales Hair Care product! Fairy Tales is an affordable, chemical-free hair care system made specifically for children. We specifically carry the Rosemary Repel line (a natural louse repellant) along with other pieces from the collection! #1 recommended by pediatricians, school nurses and moms everywhere! This product is clinically proven to help prevent head lice with organic herbs and natural plant extracts.

Stop by our location today at 595 Chickering Road in North Andover, MA to pick up your supply of Fairy Tales products, or call us for information at 978-685-9723!

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