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What is the difference between a trim and a cut?


Before & After! WOW!

As the client, it is a BIG DEAL! Do you want a trim, cut or somewhere in between? To the stylist, a trim and a cut are really the same thing; the difference is how much we LEAVE, rather than what we take. Some people think a trim should cost less because we are cutting less however the stylist goes through the same motions no matter what it is called. We blend, we balance and we style. You leave with a style that is uniquely you so it is really the same!

More importantly than what any of us call it, be sure you and you stylist have a good conversation, or what we call in the biz a consultation – about what you want and what your hair needs. Be sure to bring pictures with you to your appointment of what you like and what you don’t like –those are more helpful for the stylist to understand your needs!

Don’t worry about what it is called; worry more about what it looks like at the end and that you can reproduce a fabulous look that you can call your own!

Contact Nova SalonSpa today for a consultation with one of our professional stylist and create the new ‘do you were hoping for! You can call us at 978-685-9723 or email us at [email protected]!


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